Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Merry Ann's

This weekend while 'vacationing' down in Normal, Connor, my boyfriend, and I
went out to get a late dinner at the diner under my apartment complex.

It is called Merry Ann's and is definitely going to be the go-to place for a late night snack
and the best hangover cure seeing that it is open 24 hours.

Here we are drinking our refreshing and extremely affordable smoothies. Mine: mango, his: strawberry.

The strawberry was really light and didn't taste like they added any sugary syrups, which was great.
And the mango, actually tasted like mango (and I know my mangos).
This place is definitely going to be the death of me, my weight, and my wallet.

Along with the smoothies, I ordered a grilled cheese, and Connor got a ham and cheese omelet.
Honestly, the BEST, most delicious, melt in your mouth, classic American grilled cheese you will ever eat.

I die for this sandwich.
I only hope that all of you are given the chance to eat something so life-altering. :)

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